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Grow Your Vision
Not sure what your next step should be? Get the answers you need to make empowered decisions about your health & get back on track to feeling your best.
My mission is to share with you how to get out of the state of chronic sickness, pain, weight gain, and depression, and instead trade it for a life of energy, vitality, and happiness.
Today as a Double Certified Integrative Health Practitioner, I focus on a natural and sustainable approaches for my health and wellness clients. I look at people as a whole, not a separate bunch of individual parts. Everything is connected. You cannot affect one part of your mind or body without affecting ALL parts.
I am passionate about nutrition, and I am on a mission to change the way we look at health, fitness, and ultimately dis-ease and dysfunction in the human body. My mission is to showcase the true power of nutrition and its effects on human health, inflammation, and degenerative issues as a whole. When you start to really connect how you feel with what you are putting in your body you can easily understand how to eat for your specific goals. My whole-body nutritional approach will revolutionize the way you move, eat, and how you view food as a whole.
I truly believe chronic weight and health issues can often be eliminated by the foods and lifestyle choices we make. Gene expression, our gut microbiome, moods, energy levels, weight, pH, inflammation, hormones, and our general health is all regulated primarily by the foods we put into our mouths every single day. Understanding and optimizing how your body functions as a whole will make your health and fitness goals a lot more sustainable and effortless to achieve. It's a lot easier to move a healthy and energetic body versus a tired and run down one. Learning to use your biology instead of fighting against it makes dramatic results not only attainable, but also sustainable.
My ultimate goal as an integrative health consultant is to cut through all the misinformation and marketing to give you a simple but custom road map to achieve your ideal weight, health, and fitness goals with a lot less effort, time, and B.S.
It is literally my business to see you succeed!
This is why created my Foundations Program and start with a HTMA test with all my clients. Just like building a house, if you build it with poor materials, it will never last. Your hormones, neurotransmitters, immune system, gut health, etc., all requires balanced minerals, nutrients, sleep, emotional balance, movement, and a good light environment.
I look forward to sharing my expertise in personalized approach with you. Simply click here to schedule your complimentary consultation or book a package below.
the foundations Program
My 6 Week Foundations Program is the place I generally start with clients.
We can add additional testing as needed but often times focusing on diet and lifestyle can resolve a lot of the problems people come to me with. This is a foundational step most MD's, Naturopaths, and Functional Medicine Doctors neglect. If you don't get the foundational principles like diet, sleep, movement, & mindset right it's going to be tough to affect real lasting change.
This Program is $399 & includes:​
1. 3 Private Consultations ($435 value)
2. A Nutrition Guide ($97)
3. Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Test ($179 Value)
4. 20 page Report of Findings and Mineral packet.
5. Customized dietary & supplement plan.
6. Complimentary Strength Training Guide (with demos).
Directions: Once I receive payment and your intake form I will email you with in 24hrs to set up an initial consult & mail out your HTMA test to you. You should receive your hair collection kit in 5-7 days. Looking forward to speaking with you! And congrats on taking the first step in your health transformation!​
Re-test only
program + HTMA
3 months
Mineral Program
45 minutes